Hello All!
I noticed today that I have over 300 followers! Can you imagine? I want to thank everyone that has signed on for all this. It seems like I don't have much to share these days. Same ole, same ole.........but, it's been a rather interesting week for me.
I haven't realized in a while how much time I actually spend on my computer and on-line for that matter. This week I have come to realize that I spend a lot of time piddling around picture trails, blogs and facebook. My hubby told me once that you can really get sucked into it. I have to admit, maybe I am one of those.
On Sunday, my computer started acting up a bit with certain sites, but I didn't think much about it. Then on Monday it was a little worse and then by Tuesday, it was really bad.......couldn't access certain sites at all. I didn't play on the computer at all for over 24 hours. It was like withdrawal!! Well, not really, but I hardly knew what to do with myself. It's amazing how much time I spend popping on and off the computer. I found myself feeling like I do when the electricity is off at my house.
Do you have any idea how many hours you spend at your computer in a days time, weeks time, in a month???
My new goal is to check early morning, noon and before bed. If I have new handmades to list at one of my selling sites, I'll do it at one of those times. It's amazing how much I have accomplished this week!! Lots of new goodies on my web site.
Check it out here:
Keep checking in the next few days, more is on the way!
This a sampling
the front page WEB SITE special has changed................
Grungy Homespun Eggs....only $4.00 set of 6.
check it out here: