This Week's Web Special
Sunday, July 26, 2009
SpEciAL FoR tHis WeeK.........
This Week's Web Special
NeW TrEASures AnD A littLe "TWEAKING"....
Peg rack with bonnet and plate.....
Oak cabinet with milk glass plus..........
Antiques sign along with repro box that I made.......
Oak hutch filled with china and a little this and's actually a really pretty piece of furniture. The front is kinda rounded and it has the old fashioned looking glass panes with a mirrored back. My china is old looking with fruit.
Glass door....
Up close china...
Dining room table with new bench and patchwork runner...
Long, skinny cutting this one!!
New bowl shelf filled with bowls and of my favs!
Well, that's about it for now! Be back soon!
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
a WeeK hAs GoNe By.............

Mini colonial paddle and hearts....
Bought this star months ago and have never hung it up or anything. Decided to repaint it this mustard color and I love it! I'll show you later where I ended up hanging it.
I had a special request for a long skinny sconce wrapped with rusty tin. I only had a little bit of tin left, so I made Tina one and this one for myself. (Wish I could find those 9 x 12 sheets of rusty tin from Darice, I think.)

Pillow, dough board and twigs...
More signs and a Special order bird.....
Loved the way this turned out! Cait made the crow pattern for me and I came up with the perch for him.
New little star with candle....
Special request little shadow box, about 8 x 8 inches in size.
Little shadow box backed with chicken wire. I'll be putting this on my web site soon. I think it would be soooo cute to have little seasonal goodies in it. You know like a pumkin, heart, snowman and maybe a star. Just haven't had time to work on it yet.
Table benches in three sizes...
Not much time to chit-chat, but wanted to show some pics.
Be back soon!
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
ProJeCTS so FaR ThiS WeeK....
Special order shelf with grungy nails....
Star pillow with special order mini pillows....
One of my all-time favorites........
first time making a mustard candleboard.....turned out nice!
Working on some Fall stitcheries for pillows this evening. Hope to have them finished this week and on my web site.
I'll be back soon.
Monday, July 13, 2009
DoEs AnyOnE KnoW....
I'm looking for someone that might know something about these collector plates....I have had them for quite a few years now and they just don't fit in my decorating plans. They are very, very nice quality. Neither one of my girls want them, so I'm gonna sell them. I have eight total with the certificates of authenticity.
any info would be appreciated.
Sunday, July 12, 2009
WeB SiTE SpeCiAL plus a freebie
Hubby put my craft table together (it was actually quite simple) and I think that I am going to LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it! It's the perfect height ( and it's adjustable) to cut out fabric and for me paint and tea-dye! Yipee! Finally, I can keep most of my projects in my "studio". In the coming days, I will show what I've done in there. It's really coming along. Just trying to organize all the supplies to make (my) life easier!
I have a few things left to do, so I'll be back soon!
Friday, July 10, 2009
TGIF!! cause I'm pooped!
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
aLL SiGns oN SaLE!
Monday, July 6, 2009
MorE ProJEcTS FiNiShed....
Colonial Candleholder.........
That's about it for today. Oh, I almost forgot. How do you guys choose the winner for your giveaways? I do mine on a daily basis. Each time someone sends me an email or leaves a comment, I immediately write down their name and drop it in a huge jar. At the end of the month, I have someone in my household pick a name or two depending on the month (sometimes I have two drawings) there a better/easier way that y'all have found????
Thanks bunches to all that keep commenting!! It's so nice to see so many folks that stop by!