Merry Christmas!
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Sunday, November 27, 2011
It's been a while and a SALE at my web site......
Wow! I can't believe it's been 6 weeks since I've posted here. Where does the time go? I have tried to keep tabs on a few folks to see what's happening, but even that is difficult at times. For the past month or so, haven't felt too good and been working to get caught up on orders...I am so blessed to have such great customers and so many orders!! Finally, the Tuesday before Thanksgiving, I got all my orders shipped that needed to go before the Holiday. What a relief it was!! I had one day to shop and cook before having my parents and my brother's family over to eat.
I wish that I would have remembered to take pictures, but of course I was to involved with it all to remember. Martha Stewart would have been proud of my 17 pound turkey...turned out perfect! I was thrilled! Been years since I had cooked one like it....made all the fixings too! Even used my fine china, silver and crystal. What a day! I think we all enjoyed it. Hope y'all enjoyed your day!
I have managed to get my tree up a bit early this year. Looks great, I think.
Decided tho, to simplify the decorating this year. It's a lot of trouble for me to pack up tubs with everyday to bring down the seasonal, so this year will be a bit sparse. But, I think it'll be fine, cause of the new furniture. Yep, I have it finally arranged and decorated. Love it! Will post pics soon!
I wish that I would have remembered to take pictures, but of course I was to involved with it all to remember. Martha Stewart would have been proud of my 17 pound turkey...turned out perfect! I was thrilled! Been years since I had cooked one like it....made all the fixings too! Even used my fine china, silver and crystal. What a day! I think we all enjoyed it. Hope y'all enjoyed your day!
I have managed to get my tree up a bit early this year. Looks great, I think.
Decided tho, to simplify the decorating this year. It's a lot of trouble for me to pack up tubs with everyday to bring down the seasonal, so this year will be a bit sparse. But, I think it'll be fine, cause of the new furniture. Yep, I have it finally arranged and decorated. Love it! Will post pics soon!
Also, wanted to let everyone know that I am having a 25% off sale at my web site from today thru Wednesday.
I have posted several new things and some One of a kind things. Hope to have some more things in a few days. If you get a chance, go take a look!
Thanks for stopping by today! Hope to see you soon!
Hugs, Shari
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Web Site Special......
Happy Sunday !
Hope everyone is having a great weekend! It's a bit chilly here this morning, but the sun is shining and all is bright and colorful. The trees are really beginning to change into all the wonderful oranges, yellows and browns.
I have some goodies to share, but it will be later before I have a chance to take the pictures, so in the meanwhile...
This is my Web Site Special:
Set of three primitive poinsettias Only $6.00 set plus shipping.
My daughter says to make sure I call them Christmas tree (hole) fillers.
Find them here:
Limited time~Limited Amounts
My daughter says to make sure I call them Christmas tree (hole) fillers.
Find them here:
Limited time~Limited Amounts
Thanks for stopping by and I'll be back soon....
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Dan's Giveaway...
Dan is giving away these two samplers~Handmade and Signed by him!! How wonderful!!
Find the info here:
Saturday, early morning...............
Good morning all! I am up early this morning because I have so much to do on this chilly, Fall day. I wanted to share my update over at the Olde Primitive Peddler with you. I'm still relatively new with this group, but I have enjoyed it so far. This is one of the prim goodies that I am offering there this month...
Check it out if you get a minute. There's lots more talent there to see too...
Set of Grungy Prim Ornaments
You can find them here, along with a few more items:
Check it out if you get a minute. There's lots more talent there to see too...
I'm looking for a way to make the blackened beeswax to coat some ready made pillar candles.I have a customer that wants some with the dirty, black look. Or anyway to make them look dark. I've only done the lumpy, bumpy kind with melted wax and cinnamon. Anyone want to share their secrets? I've looked at the local craft stores, but can't seem to find anything. Maybe, because I don't know what I'm looking for. LOL! Any help would be appreciated. :)
Forgot to take pictures when I went to the Marketplace Booth the other day, but I'm going this morning and have my camera in my bag, so hopefully I can remember to take it in. I think the booth is really loking GREAT! Next week, I'll be working on Christmmas there. I'm hoping there won't be much Fall left to deal with.
Gonna run for now. Be back soon! Thanks for stopping by!
Hugs and Blessings,
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Thursday evening....
I am back again and it's only been a few days.....we had a drippy, droopy Thursday in K-ville. I had a few errands to run and couldn't wait to get back home to sew. Did I mention that I had to buy a new sewing machine the other day? The bobbin casing on my machine got loose and sounded awful. The repairman said it would take up to 10 days to do the repairs...there is no way I could go that long without sewing, so I bought a Brother quilting machine at all places WALMART!! In all my years, I have never gone to Walmart to buy a machine, but I thought it would do in a pinch and be a back-up for me. Well, I gotta tell you...I love this little machine! It has some of neatest features and sooo many fun stitches. (Lots of stiches that my expensive machine doesn't have.) Needless to say, in between orders, I have been playing around with it, trying to figure out things that I can make and use all those nifty stitches. Right now, I'm learning how to quilt using a stipple stitch, Fun, Fun!! But, now on to what I have been doing for real..........
Here's a bit of what I have been working on lately.
Here's a bit of what I have been working on lately.
Checkerboard and one of a kind cat make-do is going to the Marketplace Booth....
Who remembers these from years ago??? Be careful you might show your age. LOL!! I have made more than 50 of these in the last several weeks. Too funny! But they are kinda cute on jars....
I love how this turned out. Combined two different stencils....
and the color is rich.
Getting ready to post these on my web site:
Painted cardinal ornaments...would love to do a whole tree in them.
I had a few more pics to share, but blogger ate them! I'll be back soon with pictures from the Marketplace Booth, going over there in the next few days.
Thanks for stopping by and come back soon.
Monday, October 10, 2011
Long time gone...................
Hello All!
It's been a while, hasn't it??? As usual, I've been busy and time just slips away from me. So many plans for the Fall, but now it's here and it's time to move on to Christmas. Didn't even decorate my house inside for Fall, just a few things outside. Finally, found the furniture I wanted for my living room...not primitive at all, as I have to be practical, especially with Jack and Jake. Didn't want it shredded within a few days, so decided on something similiar to what I have now. It should be all ready to be delivered in a few weeks. In the meanwhile, I need to paint the room and get the carpet cleaned. Hopefully this week!!
I can't remember how long it's been since I've posted and not sure if I have you all that I have a booth in the Antiques Marketplace in Greensboro (again). I love, love, love being there. The folks are just wonderful that own and run it. I've done VERY WELL there so far. And I'm sure I could do better if I had about five more hours in my days. I'll take pictures this week when I go and share them with you all.
My web site has been updated along with a new weekly special. There's several one of a kind goodies that won't last long. This is one:
and this:

I guess I should run for now, but before I do...this is the web site special:
Find it here:
Thanks so much for stopping by today!! And thank you all for the kind words in my absence!
Hugs and Blessings,
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Sunday evening....
How's everyone this evening? It's been a beautiful day here in NC and we have enjoyed our weekend
immensely. Personally,I have been busier than I usually am for this time of year. I know a lot of folks are saying that they think Primitive (style) decorating is on the decline...I have to disagree...I have such great customers and new ones are stopping by everyday. I am so Blessed!! But, you have to keep in mind that I work really hard at my business.....I am always thinking ahead. You have to, when you make handmades. Today you can be swamped, but if you are not careful, and ignor your site...your business will slack off. That's why I am constantly doing new products and selling in different venues. Sometimes, it's hard to keep it all straight...
But on to other news....
Here's a few things that I've finished up in past few days...
There's several new goodies over at my web site. Stop over if you get a chance...
And there's a new special too!
Have I mentioned that we had our first ever-raised garden this year? Can't remember if I have or not, LOL!! But, anyhow, we have been so pleased with the results. (NO ACHING BACKS, LOL!)
Can't seem to find the latest pic I took, but let me assure you...we have had tons of zucchini, cucumbers, peppers and now, the best German Johnson tomatoes ever...
This is one tomato that I sliced one evening. I couldn't believe how many slices...
For the first time in my life, I am tired of tomato sandwiches and cucumbers in marinade. LOL!! Hubby says he's gonna remind me in February that I got tired of cucumbers...
Well, I should work on a few stitcheries while I'm watching TV, so I'm gonna run for now.
Thanks for stopping by! Come back soon!
Hugs and Blessings,
Monday, July 18, 2011
Monday evening....
Hello! Hope everyone is doing ok on this HOT Monday! It's a little after 5:00 here and 93 degrees....Whew! I just came in from doing some errands and noticed how almost perfect this is....our BEAUTIFUL Crepe Myrtle Tree.
It has gotten so big over the years, think it probably needs to be trimmed back this fall. Hubby has done a great job keeping it as a tree, instead of a bush... And, I love it the way it is now...........
Thanks for stopping by!
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Sunday morning....
Good Morning!
Life has become quite hectic in the Freshwater household as of late.....too many irons in the fire. I haven't had much of a chance to be on here lately...and not quite sure if anyone has missed me. LOL!! I realized recently tho that I really loved blogging...I'm thinking I should try to find time to do more than I have been. I really have enjoyed sharing my thoughts and ideas with everyone.
As I am planning my week, a cute story comes to mind.......
Several years ago as I was trying to decide whether or not to get back in to the "CRAFTING BUSINESS", I met these two ladies, in a hole-in-the-wall shop about 30 minutes from my home. After several visits to their store and many more conversations, they convinced me to rent a space in their tiny store. As it turned out, this little space got me started doing what I'm doing today. They were actually the ones that named my business......One of the owners (Linda) thought Homespun and Primitives described me to a tee.....
But on to my real story. I developed a really nice following there, actually rather quickly. I couldn't keep my booth full. Folks would come in and make a bee-line to my space. Robin (the other owner) told me one day that I could sell almost anything, even stitcks, if it had homespun tied on it.....wala! This is what I went home and made.
I have brought back "RAG TWIGS" to my web site. A really prim alternative to rag balls.
It's amazing how many I have sold...Personally, I love them. And such a conversation piece!
You can find them here:
Afterthought, I want you all to know that I kept a booth in that store for over 9 years...until the day the doors closed for good, a couple of years ago. It was a most rewarding that I will always remember.
Be sure and check out my web site....
for this week's SPECIAL.
and later this week, two new dolls!
I'll be back soon! Thanks for stopping by.
Hugs and Blessings,
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Tuesday afternoon......
Just a reminder...
a Fabulous SALE is still going on over at my WEBSITE!
Almost everything is on SALE! But it won't last for much longer....
Check it out if you get a chance! I would love to hear from you all!
Hugs and Blessings,
Saturday, July 2, 2011
Home from Vacation.....
Wishing everyone a Safe and Happy 4th of July!
We are back from a wonderful cruise vacation! So much to share with you all, but that will be another day.
I'll be back soon!
Hugs and Blessings,
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Web site special.....
Happy Sunday All! Hope everyone has had a great weekend......
Just wanted to let you all know the WEB SITE SPECIAL this week is EVERYTHING!!! Yep, I said everything!! Be sure and check it out!! In all my years of having a web site, I have never done anything like this.. Only for a limited time and there are limited amounts of some items. There's also a new category with ODDS 'N ENDS.
There will some changes coming after the July holiday...Due to rising costs of materials and shipping, we have decided to do some things a bit different...more details the meantime, take advantage of what we have to offer.................
I'll be back soon. Have you all seen these?
They are absolutely precious!
Thanks for stopping by and be sure and stop by my web site:
Until next time,
Sunday, June 19, 2011
HAPPY FATHER'S DAY to all the fantastic Dad's out there! This is your day!
Just wanted to pop in and post my web site special....
Only $6.00 each!
You can find it here, along with featured items that are on sale as well...
Take a look if you get a chance!
Thanks for stopping by! Have a great day!
I hope to be back soon....
Hugs and Blessings,
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Just a quick post...Happy Memorial Day! and wanted you guys to know there's a few new goodies to see at my web site! And don't forget the free shipping!
Friday, May 27, 2011
Friday morning......
Happy Friday All!!
I would like to wish everyone a safe and happy Memorial Day!
By special request, I am once again, offering a web site special or actually two....first of all, this fabulous wood box is on sale for 50% off:
Find it here:
and the second special is:
(but, only for a few days)
Details here:
I'm also getting ready to add a few new goodies to my site, including these:
Before I close, here's an EVERYDAY GATHERING that I have put together....
WHOLESALE and RETAIL PRICING AVAILABLE!! email me if you might be interested!!
10 prim pieces for one low price!!
I'll be back soon with more news and some new pictures!
Thanks for stopping by!
Hugs and Blessings,
Sunday, May 22, 2011
New for Sunday............
How is everyone on this beautiful Sunday??? It has been a lovely day in K-Ville with sunshine and warm temperatures all day!!
Just a few things to share today...
Love, love, love how this turned out:
Working on some dolls for everyday....
And this is new:
Several folks had requested a smaller version checkerboard shelf, so here it is and it turned out really cool!!
Just a few things to share today...
Love, love, love how this turned out:
Working on some dolls for everyday....
And this is new:
Several folks had requested a smaller version checkerboard shelf, so here it is and it turned out really cool!!
I am also working on a wholesale page with pictures and prices.
If you might be interested, please email for link:
Well, I'm off to make more dolls..Thanks for stopping by!
See ya soon!
I am also working on a wholesale page with pictures and prices.
If you might be interested, please email for link:
Well, I'm off to make more dolls..Thanks for stopping by!
See ya soon!
Monday, May 16, 2011
Monday evening...
How's everyone this evening? A bit dreary here today, rain, clouds, more rain....
I 've had a few blogging issues again. Hopefully, it's all better now... Just a few things to share. Check out the special at my web site, you can find it here:
This is one of my new design....I've had several inquirys lately about selling my patterns. Wish I could get it figured out.
I hope you'll stop by soon. I have added several new goodies lately and will be adding a few more tonight or tomorrow.
Thanks for stopping by!
I 've had a few blogging issues again. Hopefully, it's all better now... Just a few things to share. Check out the special at my web site, you can find it here:
This is one of my new design....I've had several inquirys lately about selling my patterns. Wish I could get it figured out.
I hope you'll stop by soon. I have added several new goodies lately and will be adding a few more tonight or tomorrow.
Thanks for stopping by!
Thursday, May 12, 2011
Good Thursday Mornin'!!
It's been a while since I've been around usual busy as a beaver working on orders and coming up with new ideas. I've updated my web site with some new goodies this week and more is on the way!!
Check out the new goodies here:
This is one of my favorites:
Showing this as a example of how it looks filled with goodies...
By the way...the blogs that I follow keep coming and going...any idea why??
Time to get back to work....
Thanks for stopping by!
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Happy Mother's Day!
I want to wish all the Mothers, Grandmothers, Great-Grandmothers and anyone who has raised children...HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY! I have spent the better part of 30 years raising my two girls (sometimes by myself, it seemed) and enjoyed (almost) every minute of it. There are times when I wonder how I survived some of the teenage years, but now I see how wonderful both of my girls have grown to be. I may not agree with all their choices...but I believe in the fact they have the right to make them....just as I did......
Love you both!
Love you both!
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Stormy Saturday....
Hope everyone is safe and sound today. The weather is turning rather nasty here. Hopefully, these storms will move through quickly with no damage. My Bradford pear tree in front is swaying back and forth...wonder how long it can do that???
Today's special at my web site is this:
Prairie Bird Make-do
Only $5.00 each.
You can find it here:
I finished these up this week and wanted everyone to see them...I think they turned out great!
If anyone is interested, please email me.
I have just a bit more to do on my taxes and we file them!! YIPEE!! Has everyone else got theirs filed?
I do hope that I am not the only one that waits until the last minute....
I really do appreciate you all stopping by today and I had a few more pics to post, but I can't seem to get them here. Maybe later....
I'll be back soon.
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Thursday's Web Site Special.....
Happy Thursday!
Just a quick post to let y'all know todays SPECIAL...
Here it is:
Sorry, doesn't apply to shipping or previous orders.
Simply type in
at the voucher code section at checkout!
Please feel free to email with any questions:
Pop on over to my web site, you might find something that you can't live without!!
Hope to hear from you all!
Thanks for stopping by and have a great day!
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Wednesday Special and new goodies...........
Happy Wednesday All!
It is a bright, sunny day here in K-ville and on its way to being warm as well.....maybe time to plant a few things in the garden??
Just a couple of things before I get busy with wood today.
Finally, I got a pair of these fabulous little shoes all finished! I know the pattern has been around for a while...but, I could never seem to get them to suit me. These however, are one of the sweetest things that I have made in a long time.
I'm working on brown and red ones too! These will be on my web site soon and at the Antique Marketplace (in Greensboro) when I make a run there in a day or two.
This is Wednesday Daily Special:
Find it here:
Thanks so much for stopping by!
Hope to hear from you all.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Tuesday Web Site Special.....
Good Morning!
I am late for an appointment, but wanted you all to know what today's special is over at my web site. It is this fabulous Prim Sign...
Find it here:
I will also be adding this one of a kind candle gathering to my web site.
Look for it under the What's New Category later this morning.
I'm out the door for back soon.
Thanks for stopping by! And thanks for the comments yesterday. I find it to be very interesting!
Monday, April 11, 2011
Monday's Web Site Special..........
Happy Monday, Y'all!
I'm hoping that today is going to be one of those REAL productive days where I get everything done on my list. So far, so good!!
I made a post the other day about quantity versus quality. I would really like to know what other folks think..... I'm pretty sure it might be a concern for more than just me.
I had a conversation with a friend of mine the other day and she seems to feel the majority of folks don't really care about the quality of the crafts they purchase. They care more about quantity than quality. I honestly think that most of my customers really look for and appreciate the quality of goods they get from me. What do you guys think??? Have an opinion one way or the other? I would really like to hear what y'all think.
email me if you prefer:
Monday's Web Site Special and it's another good one!!
Find it here:
I'll be adding a couple of things to my web site in a bit, so be sure to check under the What's New category. One is a OOAK....
Got to get busy again....
thanks for stopping by.....
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Sunday Special........
Just a quick post to let you all know you can find today's special here and it's a GOOD one:
It will be for Sunday only. Starting today, I will be having a different special of the day through IRS tax deadline on April 18th. Check often, as I will be adding new products as well. One of a kinds, new wood, new primitives and more...get them while you can!!
Thanks for stopping by!
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Cold and rainy Saturday.........
How's everyone today? Well, I do believe it has turned back to Winter. It has been a very gray day here. Cloudy and rainy from morning to night. The kind of day you want to stay inside and read a book, have a cup of tea and just relax. We had planned to be outside, but ended up inside when we were here. We started out being a bit lazy...there was another one of those wee hour thunderstorms that wakes me up and I couldn't go back to sleep. So, after roaming around the house at 2 am, I ended up staying in bed until after 7. Believe me, I hardly ever do that.
Later in the morning, we decided to go on a hunt for mantles for our outside gaslight. After going to several local stores, we decided to go to Winston Salem to look. (There seemed to be a lot of folks out shopping today, even with gas prices nearing $3.80 a gallon.) We found them at an outdoor garden type store. Only $13.00 for the two we needed. Hubby got them installed, but couldn't get the gas turned back on. I'll call the gas company on Monday...
I did a bit of crafting today, but not really what I wanted to do. There are times when I seem to have a lot of projects started and I have to take a day (or at least a block of time) and finish up a few. I worked on a few new patterns as well......
While I'm thinking of it.....I had a conversation with a friend of mine the other day and she seems to feel the majority of folks don't really care about the quality of the crafts they purchase. They care more about quantity than quality. I honestly think that most of my customers really look for and appreciate the quality of goods they get from me. What do you guys think??? Have an opinion one way or the other? I would really like to hear what y'all think.
Not really any pictures to share, but I'll be back tomorrow with a new web site special and more.......
Later in the morning, we decided to go on a hunt for mantles for our outside gaslight. After going to several local stores, we decided to go to Winston Salem to look. (There seemed to be a lot of folks out shopping today, even with gas prices nearing $3.80 a gallon.) We found them at an outdoor garden type store. Only $13.00 for the two we needed. Hubby got them installed, but couldn't get the gas turned back on. I'll call the gas company on Monday...
I did a bit of crafting today, but not really what I wanted to do. There are times when I seem to have a lot of projects started and I have to take a day (or at least a block of time) and finish up a few. I worked on a few new patterns as well......
While I'm thinking of it.....I had a conversation with a friend of mine the other day and she seems to feel the majority of folks don't really care about the quality of the crafts they purchase. They care more about quantity than quality. I honestly think that most of my customers really look for and appreciate the quality of goods they get from me. What do you guys think??? Have an opinion one way or the other? I would really like to hear what y'all think.
Not really any pictures to share, but I'll be back tomorrow with a new web site special and more.......
Thanks for stopping by and enjoy the rest of your weekend!!
Until tomorrow....
Friday, April 8, 2011
Friday night.....
Well, it's the end of another week.....kinda looking forward to the weekend. We have several projects to finish, including filing our taxes and working in the yard. Personally, I have a few sewing projects for myself that I would like to do. The weather seems to be turning a little stormy all around....hope it blows over.
Oh, I wanted to be sure and tell you guys that I have sold two of my bears today! Woo Hoo!! It really thrills me that folks like my designs!
These sunflowers are fabulous in person...over 10 inches across in size!! They are wonderful mounted to sticks or dowel rods (if you prefer). I sell them on my web site as "heads" only. Shipping would just be too much with these stems at 22 inches and more.

Oh, I wanted to be sure and tell you guys that I have sold two of my bears today! Woo Hoo!! It really thrills me that folks like my designs!
Here's a couple of things I listed on my web site today.
You can find them here:
I also finished this doll today:
Meet Isabella

She is so prim and grungy, a little different from what you're used to seeing from can find her here:
Thanks for stopping by.
I'll be back soon.
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Thursday evening....
Hey guys! I've been reading about how folks are getting their gardens ready to plant...well, I guess you could say that about Hubby and me. We decided that we were going to try a raised garden this year. Mind you, neither one of us really knows what we're doing, but oh well, we'll learn as we go. I have already learned that treated lumber is perfectly safe to don't have to worry about contamination and hopefully it will last for years to come. I have also learned that bags of dirt are heavy and expensive! We have bought about 12 bags so far to the tune of about $80 plus dollars. I'm sure you're asking why we didn't buy a load and have it delivered??? Well, we thought of that, but there is not enough space to dump it where we need it, so we thought this would be easier for us. Lesson number not try to pick up bags of dirt if you have a bad back. In fact, stay as far away from it as you can. Okay, enough of the garden...on to what I have been working on.
This is one of my (most) favorite things in a while....I have been wanting to do this for a long, long time and couldn't seem to find a pattern to suit me, so I sat down with the kitties the other day and fiddled around with it, until I got the look I wanted.
His name is Raeford Johnson and his arms and legs are jointed. He's got sooo much personality and can be found here:
I would love to offer him as a pattern, but still haven't had a chance to figure all that out.
Maybe in the next few weeks.....
Here's a new sign that I finished up and added to my web site this evening.......
Perfect for anyone living in the South or from the South!!
You can find it here:
You all are not going to believe this, but I haven't finished my taxes yet...I almost have all the numbers ready and hopefully by tomorrow Hubby can do his part! Every year, I say that I will never do this again, but guess what??? It just kinda sneaks up on me. Not sure if it even matters if the government shuts down tomorrow.
If you haven't been by my web site lately, stop by soon. Lots of new goodies to see!!
Thanks so much for stopping by and I would love to hear from you all.
Until next time.
Hugs and Blessings,
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Thursday evening....
Hello All!
I noticed today that I have over 300 followers! Can you imagine? I want to thank everyone that has signed on for all this. It seems like I don't have much to share these days. Same ole, same ole.........but, it's been a rather interesting week for me.
I haven't realized in a while how much time I actually spend on my computer and on-line for that matter. This week I have come to realize that I spend a lot of time piddling around picture trails, blogs and facebook. My hubby told me once that you can really get sucked into it. I have to admit, maybe I am one of those.
On Sunday, my computer started acting up a bit with certain sites, but I didn't think much about it. Then on Monday it was a little worse and then by Tuesday, it was really bad.......couldn't access certain sites at all. I didn't play on the computer at all for over 24 hours. It was like withdrawal!! Well, not really, but I hardly knew what to do with myself. It's amazing how much time I spend popping on and off the computer. I found myself feeling like I do when the electricity is off at my house.
Do you have any idea how many hours you spend at your computer in a days time, weeks time, in a month???
My new goal is to check early morning, noon and before bed. If I have new handmades to list at one of my selling sites, I'll do it at one of those times. It's amazing how much I have accomplished this week!! Lots of new goodies on my web site.
Check it out here:
Keep checking in the next few days, more is on the way!
This a sampling
the front page WEB SITE special has changed................
Grungy Homespun Eggs....only $4.00 set of 6.
check it out here:
Friday, March 25, 2011
New for Friday...........
New handmades to share for Friday....
Shelf with nubbie candle and grungy tag.
This is pretty neat...tag can be personalized with saying or date.
You can find it here:
I am really excited about this piece....just finished this up today and have already sold 5 of them.
Primitive inspired spoon holder.
Spoons are included.
$13.59 in your choice of colors.
You can find it here:
More new goodies coming soon!
Take care!
Thanks for stopping by today!
Thursday, March 24, 2011
a chilly, Thursday evening...........
It has turned Winter-like in NC on this March Thursday. I thought I was going to freeze today. The wind has been blowing all day and my Bradford Pear Tree made my front yard look like it was snowing. Supposed to be even colder tomorrow.
I just wanted to check in and let you guys know that I have updated my web site with new goodies! This is one of my favorites:
I just wanted to check in and let you guys know that I have updated my web site with new goodies! This is one of my favorites:
You can check out the new stuff here:
Look for more updates in the next few days.
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Hugs and Blessings,
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