Tuesday, May 19, 2009

200th PoST GiVeAWaY

200th post coming soon!

I missed doing "anything" for my 100th post....it didn't EVEN cross my mind. So I decided to do something for my 200th and that will be any day now.
This is the way it will work....Thought it might be nice to enter everyone that makes or has made a comment thru the month of MAY! And then do the drawing on the 31st. So keep in mind....for each comment, you'll have 1 entry. And if you sign up to be a follower, you'll get another entry! Plus you'll also be entered in my web site monthly contest~~yipee! 2 drawings! 2 Prizes!

~~ 200th Post "Giveaway Gathering"~~

A burgandy cutting board, Primitive Collector mini sign, mini sugar cone wrapped in grungy cheesecloth, a jar of rag balls topped with homespun, metal star, room spray, grungy candle and holder, little bunch of Sweet Annie plus a homespun doily!

Giveaway for Continental US only, unless you want to pay extra shipping for international.

Look forward to hearing from y'all!




Something Nice and Pretty said...

Love the giveaway, especially the cutting board:)
Have a great evening,

Mad Red Hare said...

Congrats on your 200th post! I too missed doing anything for my 100th post. Perhaps I will do a give away for my 200th post as well!

Anonymous said...

I would love to be in the drawing for your 200th post! Love your blog and your "stuff"!

Patti said...

Congratulations on your 200th post. Please add me to your drawing.

Raggedy Angel said...

Yes I want to be in your giveaway...Great Stuff!!!!
Congrats on 200! Beth

basketsnprims said...

Congratulations on your 200th post. Love the giveaway ~ please enter me. Have a wonderful day.

Sherie said...

Way to go on the 200th post, Shari. What a great giveaway you are having. Hope I get to win. That was a nice mention about the two local shops, Crockett's and Peddlers. Have a great holiday. Sherie

Janene said...

I can think of several places to put those awesome goodies!
I would love to be entered!
Have a great weekend...And Congratulations!

TeresaM said...

Great giveaway!! Please enter me... I have been a follower for a while!


Birgit said...

Please enter my name into your drawing. Congratulations on your 200th post! I don't think I'll ever get there. :)
Blessings~ Birgit

Cat Nap Inn Primitives said...

Love your goodies.so yes please sign me up..I love your blog..and will add you to my blog roll..have a wonderful weekend..:)

The Smiling Goat said...

Greetings from Statesville! Great stuff and congratulations on your 200th post! Sign me up I love giveaways!


Brenda said...

Congratulations on your 200th post!! I love looking at your blog you have so many wonderful prims!!

Sandy said...

Congratulations on 200 posts!
What a wonderful giveaway...